Results for 'José Luis Panea'

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    Benéitez Andrés, Rosa; Fusco, Virginia (eds). Hospitalidad: Lo otro y sus fronteras. Madrid: Dykinson, 2021, 147 pp. [REVIEW]José Luis Panea - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    José Luis Aranguren: Cervantes y el héroe interior.José Manuel Panea Márquez - 2017 - Isegoría 57:657-672.
    La intención de este artículo es destacar la importancia de Cervantes en Aranguren. El filósofo español interpreta el pensamiento del Quijote centrándose en la relevancia del héroe y su importancia para la moral, como una referencia crítica y ejemplar en tiempos de crisis y desánimo como los de Cervantes y los nuestros.
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  3. The Paradox of Self-Consciousness: Representation and Mind.José Luis Bermúdez - 1998 - MIT Press.
    "The book presents in accessible fashion recent important work on the self and self-consciousness and also moves the issues forward with interesting new ideas. It provides a notably crisp and clear treatment of some extremely intriguing topics." -- Jane Heal, Department of Philosophy, University of Cambridge In this book, José Luis Bermú dez addesses two fundamental problems in the philosophy and psychology of self-consciousness: (1) Can we provide a noncircular account of fully fledged self-conscious thought and language in (...)
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  4. The Body and the Self.José Luis Bermúdez, Anthony Marcel & Naomi Eilan (eds.) - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Table of Contents Acknowledgments 1 Self-Consciousness and the Body: An Interdisciplinary Introduction by Naomi Eiland, Anthony Marcel and José Luis Bermúdez 2 The Body Image and Self-Consciousness by John Campbell 3 Infants’ Understanding of People and Things: From Body Imitation to Folk Psychology by Andrew N. Meltzoff and M. Keith Moore 4 Persons, Animals, and Bodies by Paul F. Snowdon 5 An Ecological Perspective on the Origins of Self by George Butterworth 6 Objectivity, Causality, and Agency by Thomas (...)
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  5. Thinking without words.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thinking Without Words provides a challenging new theory of the nature of non-linguistic thought. Jose Luis Bermudez offers a conceptual framework for treating human infants and non-human animals as genuine thinkers. The book is written with an interdisciplinary readership in mind and will appeal to philosophers, psychologists, and students of animal behavior.
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  6. What is at stake in the debate on nonconceptual content?José Luis Bermúdez - 2007 - Philosophical Perspectives 21 (1):55–72.
    It is now 25 years since Gareth Evans introduced the distinction between conceptual and nonconceptual content in The Varieties of Reference. This is a fitting time to take stock of what has become a complex and extended debate both within philosophy and at the interface between philosophy and psychology. Unfortunately, the debate has become increasingly murky as it has become increasingly ramified. Much of the contemporary discussion does not do full justice to the powerful theoretical tool originally proposed by Evans (...)
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  7. Nonconceptual mental content.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2003 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8. Self-deception, intentions and contradictory beliefs.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2000 - Analysis 60 (4):309-319.
    Philosophical accounts of self-deception can be divided into two broad groups – the intentionalist and the anti-intentionalist. On intentionalist models what happens in the central cases of self-deception is parallel to what happens when one person intentionally deceives another, except that deceiver and deceived are the same person. This paper offers a positive argument for intentionalism about self-deception and defends the view against standard objections.
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  9. El 98 visto por José Luis Abellán y la recuperación de la Historia de la filosofía española.José Luis Mora García - 2012 - In Villacañas Berlanga, L. J., Antonio Rivera García & José Luis Abellán (eds.), Ensayos sobre historia del pensamiento español: homenaje a José Luis Abellán. Murcia: Editum, Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia.
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  10. Nonconceptual Content: From Perceptual Experience to Subpersonal Computational States.José Luis Bermúdez - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (4):333-369.
    Philosophers have often argued that ascriptions of content are appropriate only to the personal level states of folk psychology. Against this, this paper defends the view that the familiar propositional attitudes and states defined over them are part of a larger set of cognitive proceses that do not make constitutive reference to concept possession. It does this by showing that states with nonconceptual content exist both in perceptual experience and in subpersonal information-processing systems. What makes these states content-involving is their (...)
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  11. Personal and sub‐personal; A difference without a distinction.José Luis Bermúdez - 2000 - Philosophical Explorations 3 (1):63-82.
    This paper argues that, while there is a difference between personal and sub-personal explanation, claims of autonomy should be treated with scepticism. It distinguishes between horizontal and vertical explanatory relations that might hold between facts at the personal and facts at the sub-personal level. Noting that many philosophers are prepared to accept vertical explanatory relations between the two levels, I argue for the stronger claim that, in the case of at least three central personal level phenomena, the demands of explanatory (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu y el análisis de los campos intelectuales.José Luis Moreno Pestaña - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:149-165.
    Homo academicus propone una reflexión epistemológica de interés para investigaciones similares y para la práctica sociológica en general. En segundo lugar, propone un mapa del mundo universitario francés, de las diferentes formas de capital que lo configuran y de los diversos tipos de carrera académica. Más allá del origen nacional de su análisis, Bourdieu insiste en el valor del modelo. En tercer lugar, Bourdieu ofrece una explicación de un acontecimiento histórico que trasciende la universidad, pero en el que ésta jugó (...)
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  13. Normativity and rationality in delusional psychiatric disorders.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):457-493.
    Psychiatric treatment and diagnosis rests upon a richer conception of normativity than, for example, cognitive neuropsychology. This paper explores the role that considerations of rationality can play in defining this richer conception of normativity. It distinguishes two types of rationality and considers how each type can break down in different ways in delusional psychiatric disorders.
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  14. Animal reasoning and proto-logic.José Luis Bermúdez - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds (eds.), Rational Animals? Oxford University Press. pp. 127-137.
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    Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 210/2012, de 14 de noviembre: Comentario a cargo de José Luis Martín Moreno.José Luis Martín Moreno - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:71 - 99.
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  16. Nonconceptual content and the nature of perceptual experience.Jose Luis Bermudez & Fiona Macpherson - 1998 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 6.
    [1] Recent philosophy of mind and epistemology has seen an important and influential trend towards accounting for at least some features of experiences in content-involving terms. It is a contested point whether ascribing content to experiences can account for all the intrinsic properties of experiences, but on many theories of experiences there are close links between the ascription of content and the ways in which experiences are ascribed and typed. The issues here have both epistemological and psychological dimensions. On the (...)
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    Cognitive Science : An Introduction to the Science of the Mind.José Luis Bermúdez - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Cognitive Science combines the interdisciplinary streams of cognitive science into a unified narrative in an all-encompassing introduction to the field. This text presents cognitive science as a discipline in its own right, and teaches students to apply the techniques and theories of the cognitive scientist's 'toolkit' - the vast range of methods and tools that cognitive scientists use to study the mind. Thematically organized, rather than by separate disciplines, Cognitive Science underscores the problems and solutions of cognitive science, rather than (...)
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  18. The Moral Significance of Birth.José Luis Bermúdez - 1996 - Ethics 106 (2):378 - 403.
    The author challenges the view that birth cannot be a morally relevant fact in the process of development from zygote to child. He reviews specific arguments against giving any moral significance to the fact of birth. Drawing on recent work in developmental psychology, he contends that the lives of neonates can have a level of self-consciousness that confers moral significance but can only be possessed after birth. He shows that the position he has argued for provides a framework within which (...)
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    La teoria de la impresion en Hume.José Luis del Barco Collazos - 1982 - Anuario Filosófico 15 (1):85-112.
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    Del socioanálisis a la semiopraxis de la gestión social del conocimiento: contranarrativas en la telaraña global.José Luis Grosso - 2012 - Popayán, Colombia: Universidad del Cauca Colombia.
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  21. La emulación productiva : Machado de Assis y la cultura latinoamericana, según João Cezar de Castro Rocha.José Luís Jobim - 2017 - In Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, José Luís Jobim, Méndez Gallardo & B. Mariana (eds.), Mímesis e invisibilización social: interdividualidad colectiva en América Latina. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Counterfactuals in the Initial Value Formulation of General Relativity.José Luis Jaramillo & Vincent Lam - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1111-1128.
    How precisely to understand and evaluate counterfactuals can be an intricate issue. The aim of this article is to examine a new set of difficulties for evaluating counterfactuals that arise in the context of the dynamical spacetimes described by the theory of general relativity (GR). The initial value formulation provides us with a methodology to pin down the specific combination of features of the theory at the origin of the difficulties, namely, non-linearity and certain non-local aspects (typically captured by ellipticity (...)
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  23. Philosophy and Literature in Jorge Luis Borges: ¿Aliados o Enemigos?.José Luis Fernández - 2022 - In Garry L. Hagberg (ed.), Fictional Worlds and Philosophical Reflection. pp. 79-105.
    Are philosophy and literature allies or enemies in Jorge Luis Borges's fictions? In this paper, I argue that Borges can satisfy membership in the allies camp because his fictions provide the imaginative scenarios the allies believe are so necessary to this coalition; however, because his stories question philosophy's hold on reality, they can also seem to fall into the enemies camp by countervailing any claim philosophy has on reality and truth; although, ultimately, the manner in which Borges forges an (...)
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  24. Peacocke's Argument Against the Autonomy of Nonconceptual Representational Content.José Luis Bermúdez - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (4):402-418.
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    Truth, indefinite extensibility, and fitch's paradox.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2008 - In Joe Salerno (ed.), New Essays on the Knowability Paradox. Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    A number of authors have noted that the key steps in Fitch’s argument are not intuitionistically valid, and some have proposed this as a reason for an anti-realist to accept intuitionistic logic (e.g. Williamson 1982, 1988). This line of reasoning rests upon two assumptions. The first is that the premises of Fitch’s argument make sense from an anti-realist point of view – and in particular, that an anti-realist can and should maintain the principle that all truths are knowable. The second (...)
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  26. La inversión ontológica de la crítica en Spinoza.José Luis Arce Carrascoso - 1999 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 12:21-43.
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    Estudios del malestar: políticas de la autenticidad en las sociedades contemporáneas.José Luis Pardo - 2016 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
    "When misfortune kills citizens by stripping them of their material well-being, this discomfort is called poverty." In the current landscape, populism spreads across America and Europe. A lucid and argued warning about the discontent in which we live and the one that awaits us.
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  28. Self-control, decision theory and rationality.José Luis Bermúdez (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Thinking about self-control takes us to the heart of practical decision-making, human agency, motivation, and rational choice. Psychologists, philosophers, and decision theorists have all brought valuable insights and perspectives on how to model self-control, on different mechanisms for achieving and strengthening self-control, and on how self-control fits into the overall cognitive and affective economy. Yet these different literatures have remained relatively insulated from each other. Self-Control, Decision Theory, and Rationality brings them into dialog by focusing on the theme of rationality. (...)
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  29. Una vez más: religión moral.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 48:107-111.
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    Reflexiones acerca de la evolución del hecho deportivo.José Luis Domínguez - 1995 - [San Sebastián]: Universidad del Pais Vasco.
    El deporte como realización genuinamente humana, su evolución a través del tiempo y su configuración actual son algunas de las claves que plantea esta obra para tratar de aproximar al lector al complejo mundo de la realidad deportiva. A caballo entre el estudio científico y el ensayo, el libro resume a lo largo de sus cuatro capítulos todas las pautas y componentes que de alguna manera han podido influir en la historia pasada y presente; e incluso se nos muestran las (...)
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  31. Naturalism and conceptual norms.Jose Luis Bermudez - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (194):77-85.
  32.  89
    Counterfactuals in the Initial Value Formulation of General Relativity.José Luis Jaramillo & Vincent Lam - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axy066.
    How precisely to understand and evaluate counterfactuals can be an intricate issue. The aim of this article is to examine a new set of difficulties for evaluating counterfactuals that arise in the context of the dynamical spacetimes described by the theory of general relativity. The initial value formulation provides us with a methodology to pin down the specific combination of features of the theory at the origin of the difficulties, namely, non-linearity and certain non-local aspects, in particular when combined with (...)
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  33. Thinking Without Words: An Overview for Animal Ethics.José Luis Bermúdez - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (3):319-335.
    In Thinking without Words I develop a philosophical framework for treating some animals and human infants as genuine thinkers. This paper outlines the aspects of this account that are most relevant to those working in animal ethics. There is a range of different levels of cognitive sophistication in different animal species, in addition to limits to the types of thought available to non-linguistic creatures, and it may be important for animal ethicists to take this into account in exploring issues of (...)
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  34. Rational framing effects: A multidisciplinary case.José Luis Bermúdez - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e220.
    Frames and framing make one dimension of a decision problem particularly salient. In the simplest case, framesprimeresponses (as in, e.g., the Asian disease paradigm, where the gain frame primes risk-aversion and the loss frame primes risk-seeking). But in more complicated situations frames can function reflectively, by making salient particular reason-giving aspects of a thing, outcome, or action. For Shakespeare's Macbeth, for example, his feudal commitments are salient in one frame, while downplayed in another in favor of his personal ambition. The (...)
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  35. The Unity of Apperception in the Critique of Pure Reason.José Luis Bermúdez - 1994 - European Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):213-240.
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    Decision Theory and Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Decision Theory and Rationality offers a challenging new interpretation of a key theoretical tool in the human and social sciences. This accessible book argues, contrary to orthodoxy in politics, economics, and management science, that decision theory cannot provide a theory of rationality.
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  37. La revolución estructuralista.Jose Luis Pardo Torio - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Êxiste una filosofía española?José Luis Abellán (ed.) - 1988 - Constantina: Fundación Fernando Rielo.
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  39. La ideologización de un tema filosófico: sobre menendezpelayismo y otras cuestiones anejas.José Luis Abellán - 1993 - El Basilisco 14:97.
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    Actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la enseñanza de RSE en los Posgrados de Negocios (Attitude of students toward the teaching of CSR in Business Graduate Schools).José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):12-20.
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  41. El espejismo feminista.José Luis Gutiérrez Esturo - 1994 - El Basilisco 17:51-66.
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    Fichte y Ortega (II). Héroes o ciudadanos. El mito de Don Quijote.José Luis Molinuevo - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:341-360.
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    (1 other version)Relevanica filosófica de la¿ exoneración¿(Entlastung) en la antropología de Arnold Gehlen.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. pp. 257-274.
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  44. Objeción de conciencia y educación para la ciudadanía (STSJAS de 11 de febrero de 2008 y STSJA de 4 de marzo de 2008).José Luis Martín Moreno - 2008 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:98 - 105.
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  45. Procedimientos discursivos en textos orales (técnico-científicos) en presencia de elementos icónicos.José Luis Muñío, M. Mar Muñío & José Luis Poyatos - 2011 - Oralia 14:403 - 433.
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  46. Biotecnología y oftalmología.José Luis Menezo Rozalen - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 49:65-71.
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    Transcendental arguments and psychology:The example of O'Shaughnessy on intentional action.José Luis Bermúdez - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (4):379-401.
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  48. An economic model of scientific rules.José Luis Ferreira & Jesús Zamora-Bonilla - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (2):191-212.
    Empirical reports on scientific competition show that scientists can be depicted as self-interested, strategically behaving agents. Nevertheless, we argue that recognition-seeking scientists will have an interest in establishing methodological norms which tend to select theories of a high epistemic value, and that these norms will be still more stringent if the epistemic value of theories appears in the utility function of scientists, either directly or instrumentally. (Published Online July 11 2006) Footnotes1 The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from DGI grant (...)
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    María Zambrano: Una pensadora de nuestro tiempo.José Luis Abellán - 2006 - Rubí, Barcelona: Anthropos.
    Este trabajo ofrece el contexto de la vida y la obra de María Zambrano - sus orígenes intelectuales; su vida itinerante y de exilio; la correspondencia con su hermana Araceli; la España soñada; las claves humanas del exilio y el universo iniciático de M. Zambrano - un camino hacia la redención social.
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  50. Ávila en el modernismo filosófico de Santayana.José Luis Abellán - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (S1):387-395.
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